Sunday, July 7, 2013

Islam's Epic Fail in Egypt Shows That, in the Absence of Oil, Sharia Can't Feed Ya

David Suissa writes:
It's conceivable that if human beings didn't have to eat, the holy clerics who have been running Egypt into the ground over the past year would still be in power. But if they want to ever regain their credibility with the people who soured on them, they will have to learn a lesson that every religion needs to learn: God is not great at finding jobs and building economies.

The Muslim Brotherhood was founded more than 80 years ago on a philosophy that "Islam is the solution." Well, it's not.

Islam, like any religion, can nourish your soul, increase your self-esteem, give you an identity, and comfort you in times of grief.

But it can't run a government effectively, especially not a democratic government that is accountable to all the people.

The Brotherhood is accountable first and foremost to Allah, their all-powerful God who determines their every act and belief.

A newly translated book on Islam, “the Laws of Da’wa,” published in 1995 by an official Brotherhood leader and reported in JPost, explains the movement’s ideology: "The Brotherhood’s objectives [are] of advancing the global conquest of Islam and reestablishing the Islamic Caliphate, the public and private duties of jihad and the struggle Muslims must wage against Israel."  
 Not exactly the kind of ideology geared toward more mundane stuff like creating jobs, attracting more tourism, liberating women, improving education or energizing a country's economy...
No indeed. That kind of ideology can be found next door in Israel, the "start-up nation." Egypt under the MuBros and even before has been more like a "slow down and starve" nation, and will likely remain so for the foreseeable future.

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