Saturday, July 6, 2013

Kerry Coasts While Cairo Roils

In the midst of a crisis in Egypt, one would expect SOTUS John Kerry to be hard at work--or at least according the situation there the same attention he gives to the absence of an ongoing "peace" dialogue between Israel and Abbas. In which case you'd be entirely wrong, because as events were going down in Cairo, Kerry, sans a care in the world, was on his sailboat:
A "CBS This Morning" producer spotted Kerry on his boat Wednesday afternoon on Nantucket, where Kerry has a vacation home. When "CBS This Morning" senior producer Mosheh Oinounou tweeted about the sighting, [State Department spokeswoman Jen] Psaki issued a denial, calling the tweet "completely inaccurate" and said Kerry has been "working all day and on the phone dealing with the crisis in Egypt."
Also on Wednesday afternoon, the White House released a photo of the president and his national security team meeting in the situation Room. Kerry was not present in the photo, but his office said he did participate in the meeting via a secure phone line.
On Thursday night, CBS News obtained a photo of Kerry on his boat and sent it to the State Department, asking whether they still stand by their denial that Kerry was on a boat.
The response: "Yes."
Well, as long as he participated via a secure phone line I guess it's okay. ;)

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