Saturday, July 6, 2013

Question: Whassup With the RCMP Acting Like a Bunch of Dhimmified Suck-Ups?

Oy vey!:
The room was split down the middle: women in colourful hijabs on the left, men, most in traditional Islamic dress, on the right.
Spread throughout were several uniformed RCMP, guns tucked into holsters. Officers had removed their shoes, and the women had covered their hair with scarves — this was a mosque, after all. 
The group of a few hundred had made the pilgrimage here, to Al-Falah Islamic Centre, on a relentlessly rainy night in May. Many come to this Oakville mosque every week for Friday prayers. But tonight, they also gather for a state of the union of sorts.
It had been just over a month since the barrage of news stories about Islamic terrorism, some hitting too close to home. The London, Ont., boys in Algeria. The Boston bombings. The alleged plot to derail a Toronto-bound passenger train.  
The congregation was going through an anxious time, some dreading a reprise of post-9/11 discrimination. Many feared reactionary anti-terrorism laws, and all were eager to stop the extremism that has contorted their faith.  
Joining the conversation was a panel of politicians and law enforcement, mostly RCMP.
“The last few weeks have been quite, I guess, concerning. To all the communities,” Supt. Doug Best, the assistant criminal operations officer with the RCMP’s National Security team, told the congregation not long before the meeting paused for prayer. 
An odd sight in a house of worship, RCMP officers have nonetheless become increasingly frequent guests in some of Ontario’s well over 100 mosques. For the last few years, the force has been making a concerted effort to reach out to members of the province’s Muslim community by attending town hall meetings, organizing outreach events, or just stopping in at mosques for prayers
The aim of face-to-face visits is to build trust — and mend relations — with a community that has reason to distrust law enforcement...
Er, shouldn't it be the other way around--that police have reason to distrust a community which engenders jihadis, and which, to deflect criticism cleverly and self-reflexively drapes itself in a mantle of victimhood? Why is the RCMP sucking up in this embarrassing way--and stopping in at mosques for prayers, for heaven's sake? Don't police realize that all this feckless groveling won't result in Muslims loving, or even liking, them. All it will do is make it appear as though Muslims are the ones will all the power, while infidels bow and pay them tribute. In other words, a very good reenactment of rank dhimmitude. 

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