Those Who Deposed Morsi Aren't Nearly as Bad as He Is--Right?
Wrong. As Caroline Glick explains, they're a bunch of nogoodniks, too:
They are a mix of neo-Nasserist fascists, Communists and other not particularly palatable groups. None of them share Western conceptions of freedom and limited government. None of them are particularly pro-American. None of them like Jews. And none of them support maintaining Egypt's cold peace with Israel.
Egypt's greatest modern leader was Gamal Abdel Nasser. By many accounts the most common political view of the anti-Muslim Brotherhood protesters is neo-Nasserist fascism.
Someone probably has done it already, but, if not, I should think a study of the strange, mutual fascination between Nazis and Moslems would be make a fine dissertation topic for a PhD candidate in social psychology. (Another one would be how the Nazis were able to square their racial anti-Semitism with their obvious fondness for Arab Islamists, e.g., Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini.)