Friday, July 5, 2013

Whatever Happened to Randoph Scott?

He's long gone, kimosabe, as are all the other old time cowboys of filmdom. In their place--say Hi-Yo, Silver, to leftist guilt:
What makes the Lone Ranger finally embrace the need for his mask, and hence the whole “secret identity” thing? In a nutshell, he realizes his fellow white men are corrupt, and complicit in the mass murder of Tonto’s fellow Native Americans. If he takes the mask off, then he too will wind up becoming complicit. Yes, that’s right — in this film, the Lone Ranger’s mask is made of White Guilt.

Update: "It's like Dumb & Dumber out on the range, but without the laughs"--and that's one of the more generous reviews that can be found on Rotten Tomatoes.

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