Friday, August 2, 2013

According to International Al Quds Day's Facebook Page, the Queen's Park Seethe-a-thon is Still a Go

I guess they didn't get the memo re the revoked permit since this is the info given:
Toronto, ON- Canada

Date: Saturday, August 3rd
Time: 3:00-6:00pm
Location: Legislative Assembly of Ontario - Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park, Toronto
Speaker(s): TBD
Facebook Event Page:

Update: When Khomeinists tell you "it's not about the Jews, it's about the 'Zionists'," they're practising an age-old Shia custom--taqiyyah.

Update: Iran's PressTV lays it all out here:
For all the campaigners of truth and justice, the day has an extraordinary historical significance, lessons for the present and prophecies for the future. Al-Quds is Arabic for Jerusalem. The day was first observed in Iran in 1979, soon after the Islamic Revolution, as an affirmation of the Ummah’s solidarity with people of Palestine in their struggle for the liberation of Jerusalem.

Since then, Quds Day is observed across the world every year in this holy month to express solidarity and support for Palestine and to condemn and protest Israel’s forceful control over Jerusalem. Ramadan is the month of struggle (jehad e akbar). It is the month that granted Muslims a historic victory in the battle of Badr. It is the month in which Mecca was rid of idol worshipers (mushrikeen). So it seems appropriate that a day of this blessed month is dedicated to the struggle for liberation of Palestine and Al-Quds.

The idea of solidarity rallies on Quds Day was implemented and given shape by Ayatollah Khomeini, who made passionate appeals to Muslims across the world to stand up and speak out for their brethren in Palestine. It is also a day to remember and extend solidarity to people in other occupied territories, subjugated and crushed by strong military powers. “The Quds Day is a universal day. It is not an exclusive day for Quds (Jerusalem). It is a day for the oppressed and the supporters of oppressed to rise and stand up against the arrogant oppressors,” Ayatollah Khomeini said....
A better name for Al Quds Day: Shia Supremacism/Jooolimination Day.

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