Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Life in "Diversity"-Crazed York Region: Khomeinists' and Other Jew-Haters' "Values" are Okey-Dokey. Pamela Geller's Are Not

One learns via this post by Mark Steyn that, prior to strong-arming Rabbi Mendel Kaplan into rescinding his invitation to Pamela Geller, Inspector "Little" Ricky Veerappan's "Diversity" squad had conducted a five-month long investigation into one of the rabbi's sermons. As far as I know, none of the bloviations, er, sorry, the learned sermons of unfriendly local Khomeinist Zafar Bangash, another high-profile clergyman within Little Ricky's bailiwick, has ever been similarly scrutinized. Nor did any member of the York Region constabulary show up to suggest that perhaps the views of George Galloway, who ranted from Zafar's bully pulpit back in 2010, were inconsistent with Canadian "values," the diversity thug's pretext for shutting down the Geller talk.

Kudos to Geller for fighting back, but, this being York Region, I wouldn't count on police investigators seeing things her way.

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