Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Toronto Man (Aged 21) Tries to Smuggle a Pipe Bomb Into Canada; RCMP Sgt. Says No Worries, It Was Just a "Horrible Mistake"

Of course it was. Dude makes a pipe bomb, tries to sneak it into Canada only to be stopped at the border, where Canadian authorities detonate it. Could've happened to anyone, right?
A Toronto man has been charged after a pipe bomb was found in his car by border staff and detonated by police on Sunday as he tried to enter Saskatchewan at the North Portal crossing from the U.S. 
Staff with the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) at the port of entry contacted RCMP about 3:30 p.m. after allegedly discovering the explosive device while examining some of the 21-year-old’s possessions during a routine inspection. 
“Our officers found a pipe bomb concealed in a bag in the trunk of his vehicle. From there, our CBSA officers secured a perimeter around the examination bay,” Lisa White, Prairie region spokeswoman for the agency, told Metro from Calgary. 
“That’s where the device was controlled until the RCMP arrived,” she added. “They controlled the pipe bomb and detonated it.” 
Border staff evacuated the inspection building where the suspect’s 1999 Toyota was held, before an RCMP explosives unit arrived from Regina and removed the device and detonated it elsewhere shortly after 8:30 p.m. 
“Nobody’s life or safety was put in harm,” said RCMP Sgt. Darryl Milo of a detachment in nearby Estevan. 
Mounties said CBSA staff had continued moving holiday-weekend traffic through the crossing before the detonation, using a lane farthest from where the car and explosive were held. The detonation disrupted traffic coming in from North Dakota for about 15 minutes. 
Milo added that the man, who was travelling alone with the device “possibly to the Alberta area,” had no apparent intention, “at any time,” to use it and that neither terrorism nor organized crime is suspected in the incident. 
“It was just a horrible mistake that he had made,” Milo said. 
“It just looks like it was maybe a poor decision to create the device in the first place, and then maybe an inability to get rid of it safely — or not knowing how to get rid of it.”...
Yeah, I'm sure that's what it was all about--poor decision-making and lack of experience in homemade pipe bomb disposal. Let's all hope this "harmless" youth gets off with nothing more severe than a good talking to.

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