Monday, August 12, 2013

"Nuance" Bites (and So Does Obama's Abysmal Foreign Policy)

Daniel Greenfield writes:
The great critique of the Bush years was that the Texas cowboy lacked nuance. He saw people who were killing us, instead of people aggrieved by our carbon crimes, our support for governments that terrorists don’t like and our undercutting of the Beijing tea market. 
Out went the cowboy on his steed and in rode the diplomat on his ass. Reset buttons were pushed, and pushed again, speeches were given and concessions were made. 
The left got its way with a foreign policy based on nuance and giving the terrorists what they want by empowering political Islam. And the Middle East has never been more unstable, more dangerous or more on the verge of exploding than in the Age of Nuance.
This is what "nuance" gets you--a GET OUT OF JAIL FREE pass for brutal Jew-killers.

Update: Obama's Foreign Policy 'Successes'

Update: Kind of hard to "nuance" this.

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