Friday, August 2, 2013

Obama's Fecklessness in the Mideast Results in American Embassies Shutting Their Doors on Sunday

It began with Obama's infamous Cairo speech (boastfully and ill-advisedly entitled "A New Beginning"). It had culminated, bathetically, in this:
The US will close a number of embassies and consulates, mostly in the Middle East, on Sunday in response to an unspecified threat, officials say. 
A state department spokeswoman said the order applied to any embassy or consulate normally open on Sunday. 
In the Muslim world, Sunday is a work day. In other parts of the world US diplomatic offices are shut on Sunday. 
Last year on 11 September, the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya, was attacked, leaving four Americans dead. 
Other embassies are routinely targets of protesters. 
"We have instructed all US embassies and consulates that would have normally been open on Sunday to suspend operations, specifically on August 4th," a senior state department official told the BBC. 
"It is possible we may have additional days of closing as well." 
The official said the state department had "been apprised of information" leading it to these "precautionary steps... out of an abundance of caution". 
CBS News reported that among those affected by closure would be the embassies or consulates in Bahrain, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.
And yet, despite the "unspecified threat" (which, going out on a limb here, I'm willing to specify as "the jihad"), John Ketchup's Peace-In-Our-Time Talks still go on.

Update: The unspecified threat is now specific. It's al Qaeda.

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