Friday, August 2, 2013

The Ballad of Backwoods Bernie and the Bully Blogger Blast-Off

Come and listen to my story of an ex-Official Jew,
A dude out of a job who needed somethin' new to do.
And then one day Michael Dan threw him a bone
So Dan wouldn't have to curry favor on his own.
(With Aboriginals, that is.
Resource-rich; ripe for the pickin'.)

Well, the first thing you know old Bernie's in the tribe,
Accusing mean Canadians of waging "genocide."
And tellin' all the Ceebers that it's not unlike the Nazis
In hopes that Aboriginals would soon become his patsies.
(Theresa Spence;
Idle No More.)

Update: Member of the Bully Blogger tribe Laura Rosen Cohen (tribal name: She Who Takes No Sh*t) says re Bernie playing the genocide card:
I sure hope the salary he is pulling in this Aboriginal gig is worth this utterly revolting and unforgivable act of desecration.
Update: If the Aboriginal gig doesn't work out, Mike and Bernie could always market a line of victim hoodies.

Update: The reason for all the sucking up to Aboriginals can be found on the Gemini Power Corporation website. You could say it's in aid of the company's vision--and profits:
 With a focus on Canada's First Nations, GPC seeks to develop economic and community self-reliance in a way that respects both the environment and First Nations' traditional values. Today, GPC is investing with First Nations to build projects that result in win-win outcomes for both the investor (GPC) and the First Nations community.

GPC also invests in select non-First Nations projects that build the capacity, expertise, and presence of GPC in the renewable energy sector. We then leverage these experiences into our First Nations projects to reduce risk and identify optimal technologies for the resources of each unique community...
Looks like Bernie is, um, leveraging the "genocide" thing for the sake of a "win-win" outcome.

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