Sunday, August 4, 2013

Permit? We Don't Need No Steenkin' Infidel Permit

The raging Khomeinists ignored the law (which, after all, is man's and not Allah's) and show up en masse as per the Ayatollah's orders. BCF has lots of photos, replete with Hezbo flags, over at his site.

Me? I took a pass this year and went sailing with friends on Lake Ontario, where there was nary a Khomeinist or a Hezbo flag in sight.

Will there be any consequences for the flagrant raspberry the Khomeinists have blown in the face of infidel authorities? Don't be silly. In this part of Dar al Harb, they can pretty much say and do whatever they'd like, including toting the symbol of an outlawed terrorist group, and assembling on public property sans permission.

Update: According to BCF, they were given a permit--by a person or persons unknown (who should be called to account for their infamy but who, of course, will get away with it):
The Shia Al Quds Day rally was denied a permit for the Queens Park legislature grounds by the Sgt. of Arms. Instead they were granted a permit to hold their hate fest in Queens Park, north of Wellesley. I assume this permit was granted by the city. It can't have been granted by the Sgt. of Arms at Queens Park? Can It?
Just goes to show--due to fear of unrest and being branded "Islamophobic," infidel authorities manifest liquefied spines and balls the size of jelly beans.

Update: Hezbo head honcho Nasty Nasrallah couldn't make it to the Toronto festivities this year. He sends his regrets ("From River to Sea, Palestine Must Return to Real Owners") here.

Update: Ladies and gents, please give it up for "renowned peace and justice advocate," Zafar Bangash.

Update: Nasty's flag flies in Berlin,


and, of course, Tehran.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Now if it were Pamela Geller all would be escorted out of the country.

Was to busy these last weeks to blog (Moving).
Have a great week.