Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Results of UN "Probe" Into Canada's Treatment of Aboriginals a Foregone Conclusion--So Why Bother Coming At All?

Lorne Gunter writes:
During last winter's nationwide Idle No More protests, [Un special rapporteur for indigenous peoples James] Anaya started off sounding conciliatory, even impartial.
"Both the government of Canada and First Nations must take full advantage of this opportunity to rebuild relationships in a true spirit of good faith and partnership."
However, Anaya quickly dropped his mask of objectivity and upbraided the federal Tories for failing to live up to their treaty obligations to First Nations. Time and again -- both in Canada and around the world -- Anaya has simply taken the word of aboriginal activists at face value and started levelling criticism at non-aboriginal governments.
He could save himself the time and the UN the money and just file his report now. No doubt his conclusions are already prepackaged.
Anaya is under hire by the UN's Human Rights Council, a body that has been headed by Libya in recent years and one on which Mauritania, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Syria have or have had seats, along with a majority of the planet's most-repressive regimes.
Mauritania was the last country on earth to ban slavery, doing so only in 1981. But apparently the emancipation law isn't enforced. Nearly one million residents are still enslaved.
Ooo. I'm so keen to know what recommendations these role-model nations have vis-a-vis our treatment of First Nations.
I bet old Backwoods Bernie and his boss Indian Dan, altruists both, can't wait to give the "human rights" expert their two cents worth (i.e. "It's a freaking genocide!!!").

Update: Backwoods Bernie and Indian Dan sing a song from Irving Berlin's now-politically incorrect Annie Get Your Gun):

Like the Chippewa,
Like those Indians
I'm an Indian too,
A Jioux, oo-oo,
A Jioux.

Like the Holocaust,
Millions lost,
Nazis bossed.
Like that genocide
They've a genocide too,
Like Jews, oo-oos
Like Jews...

Annie got her gun but will Bernie get his 'cide?

Update: A song from Bernie Get Your 'Cide:
He mounts his high horses
When he wants their resources
And he claims justice was denied.
So he sucks up like crazy;
His boss won't think he's lazy.
But you can't woo some dudes with a 'cide.
He's awf'ly umbrageous
And he thinks it's courageous
To defend to the end his tribe.
And he wants you to ponder:
Is Canada Rwanda?
But you can't woo some dudes with a 'cide.
With a 'cide,
With a 'cide,
No you can't woo some dudes with a 'cide.
The UN's definition
Has spurred on his ambition
As this latest career he's tried.
But the UN's a morass,
A Zion-loather's chorus,
And you can't woo some dudes with a 'cide.

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