Friday, August 16, 2013

Typical Toronto Star Reader (TTSR): I Hereby Nominate This Dude

A Toronto Star reader composed this overheated screed to the editor:
Re: Terrorists in our jails: When jihad meets rehab, Aug. 11
Terrorists in our jails: When jihad meets rehab, Aug. 11  
The current discussion on terrorism needs to be redefined.  
When atomic bombs were dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, more than 100,000 civilians were killed without warning. In Hiroshima many thousands who survived the initial blast found their way to the river in an effort to relieve the pain from their burns, where many thousands died, most horribly, their bodies clogging the river as their city burned in ruins. This is commonly defined as an act of war. 
When the United States invaded Iraq, more than 150,000 people were killed, 80 per cent of them civilians. This was defined as a pre-emptive strike. In comparison, when a person detonates a bomb, it is now defined as an act of terrorism.  
It is important that all acts of violent aggression are clearly defined as such and our perception of them is not blurred by labels. 
During the 1950-70 period the label “Communist” was used to define our enemy. Accusations of being a Communist could ruin careers. Vast sums of money were spent to stop the “Communist” threat. Similarly the current label of terrorism is now being used to justify vast military and surveillance expenditures. 
As for myself I am not afraid of the label “terrorism.” However I am very concerned with all acts of violent aggression and the way our society is reacting to them.
Dave Carter, Castlegar, B.C. 
Virulently anti-American/anti-West: check. Blind to the untold millions who died/were murdered because of the supposedly bogus "Communist" threat: check. Equally blind to the threat posed by global jihad and the sharia agenda: check.

Add in a reflexive antipathy toward Israel and Dave Carter of Castlegar, B.C. has everything it takes to be declared the TTSR.

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