Sunday, September 8, 2013

Kerry to France: Je T'aime

In a effort to shore up support for an unpopular "proportionate response" to the Sarin in Syria, French-looking SOTUS John Kerry delivers a gushing message en francais to the land he adores.

BTW, you'll never guess who's responsible for selling Syria a key component of the toxic gas.

Also--the Toronto Star's in-house shill for the Islamist worldview calls infidel intervention in Syria a "moral imperative." (Do you get the feeling that the world has turned upside down: John Kerry wants war; the French are fromage-eating war-mongers; and Harpoon Siddiqui urges kafirs to bomb the bejeezus out of a Muslim land?)

Update: Mind-bogglingly, at this time of mega-unrest in the Middle East (a function of age-old Shia-Sunni animosity and resurgent jihad), the Peace-In-Our-Time talks continue. A question for Kerry: given how quickly Muslim leaders in the area come and go, what's the point of making immense concessions to a Palestinian despot who could be gone tomorrow? Does the name Mohamed Morsi rings any bells for you, John?


  1. Not related :Interesting video from pro - Morsi demonstrators iin Ottowa.
    Their 'love' for Canada is really 'great'.

  2. I wonder how many pro-Morsi Syrian refugees we'll end up taking in. Hundreds? Thousands?
