Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Next Great "Human Rights" Collision: Islam Versus the Transgendered?

In "human rights" terms, the transgendered are flavor of the month. So I wonder what Ontario "human rights" diva Barbara Hall would make of this--a British soldier who became a chick, reverted to Islam (because he sensed it was, in a word, "peaceful"), and who is now having a spot of bother re where she fits in, mosque-wise:
A spokesman for the mosque said, "Everybody is welcome, as long as they behave according to Islam." 
But a Muslim scholar has denounced Vallender’s transgender surgery as against Islamic laws. 
“Muslim should be satisfied with the way Allah has created him or her,” Dr Wael Shehab, a scholar and Shari`ah reseacher, said. 
“If one faces physical or psychological problems, he or she should treat them within the general values and morals of Islam. 
“In Islam, changing one’s sex is not permissible if the person (male or female) has ‎complete male or female sex organs. This is because this person would be ‎seeking to change Allah’s creation, which is forbidden by ‎Allah Almighty.” 
Dr. Shehab, who has a PhD in Islamic studies from Al-Azhar University, stressed that Islam allows medical intervention only in very limited cases. 
“It is possible for the hermaphrodites to get assigned a certain sex by means of medical intervention (surgical and/or hormonal therapy) and behavioral training,” he said. 
“When a sex is assigned, the individuals must do their best to confirm themselves to that sex.‎" 
Dr. Shehab noted that Valeender has changed his gender before Islam, praying to Allah to forgive his sins. 
“For the case at hand, as the sex-change operation was made before the person’s conversion to Islam, Allah forgives all sins committed before one’s conversion,” Dr. Shehab said. 
He also advised him to return to his original sex, urging Muslim community to help him overcome his problem...

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