Friday, June 6, 2014

It's the "Redemptive Antisemitism,'* Stupid

Jeffrey Herf writes:
As a historian of modern German history, specializing in the Nazi era and the Holocaust, I know the pitfalls of misplaced historical analogies. Israel’s enemies commonly make such analogies; the Soviet Union, the Arab states, Palestinian organizations, Islamist terror groups and the government of Iran have all compared Israel to Nazi Germany. Yet our current policy debates suffer from the opposite problem. Policymakers are unwilling to openly and frankly discuss radical anti-Semitism when it comes from Islamist sources. Despite their differences, we must remember that the Islamic Republic of Iran is the first government since Hitler’s in which anti-Semitism constitutes a central element of its identity. An Iran with nuclear weapons would thus be the first government since Hitler’s to be both willing and able to threaten a second Holocaust.
*Historian Saul Friedlander's term for Hitler's form of Judenhass, i.e. his belief that the world must be saved (redeemed) from the existential threat posed by Jewry.

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