Tuesday, September 9, 2014

An Anti-Zionhass Confab Is Convened in Enemy Territory--the UN

The UN has hosted three Durban conferences which were supposed to be devoted to a discussion of "racism" and "human rights," but which were little more than fora in which the Zion-loathers could seethe and rage about the object of their derision--Israel. However, the UN was not--I repeat, was not--the sponsor an anti-Semitism conference, even though, as the Times of Israel puts it, the confab was "housed" in the UN:
UNITED NATIONS, NY — On the third floor of the United Nations, just two doors down from the Security Council, more than 500 people gathered this week for a conference on the rise of anti-Semitism. For some, the location was a touch ironic.
Because it wasn’t the UN that decided to address the threat global anti-Semitism posed to international peace and security. Rather, it was the UN Permanent Mission of Palau and the Aja Eze Foundation that sponsored the lunchtime conference.
“But why couldn’t the UN, founded on the ashes of the Jewish people, and presently witnessing a widespread resurgence in anti-Semitism, sponsor a conference on combating global anti-Semitism?” said Anne Bayefsky, director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust. “The answer is clear: Because the United Nations itself is the leading global purveyor of anti-Semitism.”
Which, when you think about it, makes it the perfect place for this sort of conference. And, given the puniness of Israel's support at the UN, an organization whose largest voting bloc is the colossal, Tehran-based OIC,  it is also fitting that the event was sponsored by Palau, a miniscule dot on the map.

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