Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Gift of the MAJI (Mothers Against Jihad Intoxication)?

We all know about MADD--Mothers Against Drunk Drivers. But now two infidel moms--one from France, the other from Calgary--both of whom lost a son in Syria, are teaming up to tackle a different kind of intoxicant:
The pair decided to form an international mothers group, determined that there must be a way to intervene and stop the radicalization process before it’s too late. They are sharing best practices as they find them and are both poking at their respective governments to step up. 
[Calgary mom Christianne] Boudreau has also set her sights on establishing the Canadian chapter of a German group called Hayat. That means "life" in Arabic, and its aim is to work with families to help de-radicalize young men and women. 
Hayat is an offshoot of a German organization called "Exit," which has had good success in deprogramming neo-Nazis; as if plucking them from a cult. Hayat adopts similar methodology and applies it to dealing with militant Islamists. 
After meeting with its organizers in Berlin, Boudreau came away convinced that with the right funding and staff, a Hayat chapter could make a difference in Canada. 
"It's a sense of reining them [radicals] back in so they are closer to the family again," she said. "They work with them closely after they've taken a step back and decided 'maybe this is not for me,' and help them get reintegrated within the community, finding a job, so they focus on the normalities."
I give her credit for trying to do something constructive, but I doubt she'll make much headway because:
  • she's not Muslim, and will therefore lack cred with jihad-minded young'uns;
  •  while the "Exit" program may have had success deprogramming German neo-Nazis, it may not be possible to tweak it in such a way that it will be an effective tool to deprogram those who have become intoxicated by an ideology grounded in the jihad imperative, which is part and parcel of pure, unadulterated Islam.

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