Saturday, September 13, 2014

"Peddle" Pusher

This one gave me a chuckle (so thank you, Lee Berthiaume):
The constant fear for Liberals is that the story the Conservatives are peddling about Trudeau being “in over his head” will gain momentum.
So the Conservatives are "peddling" a "story," are they? Seems to me that there's no need to go and "peddle" it when Justin's own actions (eg. he never met a radical mosque he didn't like) speak for themselves.

It therefore goes without saying that those who are really "peddling" a story (i.e. the fairy tale that Justin has the competence and the smarts to be our next prime minister) are media types like Lee.

Update: According to Justin (who's like, really deep, for a part time drama teacher), we need to rethink such basic concepts as "space" and "time."

And replace 'em with what, Einstein--"hope" and "change"?

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