Because that's what it means to be "multicultural"--a doctine which, as Steyn is wont to point out, is a decidedly unicultural phenomenon.
Update: Barbara Kay applauds a tangible government action--an initiative she believes will mark "a turning point" in our multiulti adventure:
The Edmonton Indo-Canadian Women's Association has received $241,000 for a 24-month project designed to empower immigrant girls and women, "Elimination of Harmful Cultural Practices: A Community-Centred Approach for Education and Action." The project is a tangible outcome of meetings and conferences sparked by a July, 2010 Frontier Centre report on the troubling persistence of honour-motivated abuse into the second and third generation of South Asian communities.Laudable, indeed. Realize, though, that it's occurring within this context, which amounts to treating the symptoms without tackling the illness causing them.
Part of the money will fund a shelter, WIN House, reserved for refugee and immigrant women fleeing abuse, within which the program, "Changing Together," will operate. A priority is information outreach -- to inform immigrant women before they come to Canada, on their arrival, at settlement offices, banks, doctors' offices and other frequent points of contact (including Facebook and Twitter) --about women's rights here, reassuring immigrants that such practices as forced marriages and dowry fraud are not tolerated in Canada.
In her remarks at the press conference, Ms. Ambrose affirmed her personal commitment to this cause. She linked the Edmonton initiative to the new 2009 citizenship guide, specifically its warning that "Canada's openness and generosity do not extend to barbaric cultural practices that tolerate spousal abuse, 'honour killings' ... or other gender-based violence." In a telephone interview, Ms. Ambrose told me of encounters with young girls who approached her privately to tell their stories, and how they strengthened her personal resolve to help them...
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Hoppity the multiculti bunny says, "Everyone's culture/religion/background is equally teriff!" |
1 comment:
As Churchill once said: it's not the beginning of the end, but it is the end of the beginning. It's not the end of multiculturalism as we know it, but it's a start.
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