“When you look at other days, such as Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day it tends to look at women in a one-dimensional way. But Women’s Day helps to celebrate women in their diversity and the diversity of their lives.”Wow, that is mega-diverse.
Here are a few ways International Women’s Day is being celebrated in the world:
• In Italy, women receive bouquets of bright yellow mimosa flowers from the men in their lives. The custom dates back to 1946, when Italian feminists selected the flower, which is inexpensive and in bloom this time of year, as a way of expressing solidarity with other women. They have since started giving the flower to each other.
• In Russia, where the day is a holiday, yellow mimosas and chocolates are traditional gifts.
• In China, female teachers are given flowers and women factory workers gather to play games. Their work day isn’t a long one. The female workforce is entitled to half a day off. Similarly, the day is a holiday for women in Nepal and Madagascar...
• In Romania, the day coincides with Mother’s Day and women are given flowers, chocolates and gifts. Many are treated to dinners and concerts by their families.
• In Latin American countries such as Chile, Argentina and Peru, women generally receive red roses from the men in their lives, which could include employers. The flower stems from the song “Bread and Roses,” which is associated with the women’s movement (Bread symbolizes women’s struggle for economic equality while roses represent their continuing efforts for a better quality of life.)
• In Armenia, an entire month is dedicated to celebrating women. The occasion begins on March 8 and ends on Armenia’s Motherhood and Beauty Day on April 7. One the last day of the month, mothers typically receive flowers and gifts.

Update: The zany Zion-loathers are piggy-backing on Chicks' Day (writes Terry Glavin):
Because today is International Women's Day, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions groupuscule within the Women of Diverse Origins affiliates of the women's day marchers in Montreal will gather at the corner of Guy and de Maissoneuve with Palestinian flags and a banner of their own. Rally-goers are encouraged to bring their own signs and noisemakers.
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