Saturday, December 8, 2012

Canadian "Human Rights" Mausoleum Told to Continue Accentuating the Negative

There's growing conflict at Canada's money-hoovering "human rights" mausoleum over what is--and is not--appropriate for the museum to emphasize. On one side are those who realize that the museum's emphasis on competitive victimhood is a major downer, and would like to see "positive stories"--whatever the heck they are; tales of those who are happy and content because they have all their "human rights." On the other side, those who are determined to compel visitors to wallow in the awfulness. Case in point: University of Manitoba law prof Karen Busby:
Busby, director of the university’s Centre for Human Rights Research, said the board’s call for more positive stories about immigration and refugees is troubling.
“That’s the kind of direction that shouldn’t be coming from the board,” she said.
“Actually, Canada has a lot of terrible immigration stories," she added. “The lessons to be learned are from the mistakes we have made — the stories of who we turned away when clearly they were facing humanitarian crises in their home country.
And let's not forgot those dreadful First Nations "stories," right, professor?
“In my view, it would be a tragedy, though, if they don’t tell the stories of mistakes that Canada has made. And that’s my fear — that they won’t tell about atrocities that have occurred on our own soil for which we can learn many valuable lessons going forward,” she said, referencing the wrongs done to First Nations people.
"Those are the stories we need to tell. And we need to tell those stories because we repeat the same mistakes today."
I wouldn't fret too much if I were you, professor. There's little chance that a museum that has a "mass atrocities" zone is likely to overlook any of our "wrongs".

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