Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Jihadi Group With the Longest Name EVER Tries and Fails to Exact Vengence for Killing of "The Best Jihadis in Sinai"

Sucks to be them:
JERUSALEM — Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system intercepted a rocket that was fired from the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt and headed for the southern resort city of Eilat early Tuesday, according to the Israeli military, the first time the military shield has been employed to protect the city.
The rocket attack came at the height of the summer vacation season, when the city is packed with Israeli and foreign tourists. Witnesses told the Israeli news media that sirens went off after 1 a.m. and booms were heard over the city as the rocket was intercepted.  
Islamic militants operating across the Egyptian border in the southern Sinai Peninsula have fired rockets a few times at Eilat in recent years. So far, they have all fallen in empty spaces in and around the city, causing no casualties. 
An Islamic militant group calling itself Majlis Shura Al-Majahedin Fi Aknaf Bayt Al-Maqdis claimed credit for the attack, saying it was revenge for the killing of four of its fighters in northern Sinai on Friday, according to Israel Radio...
Maybe if they shortened their name they'd be more effective.

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