Monday, August 5, 2013

Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Jihadi? Fuggedaboutit, Sez the Beeb. Tamerlan the Right Winger, More Like

A Beeb probe discovered that the late Tamerlan had some, er, "right-wing" reading material, and concludes--ludicriously, hilariously--that that's what motivated him:
The programme discovered that Tamerlan Tsarnaev possessed articles which argued that both 9/11 and the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing were government conspiracies.  
Another in his possession was about "the rape of our gun rights". 
Reading material he had about white supremacy commented that "Hitler had a point". 
Tamerlan Tsarnaev also had literature which explored what motivated mass killings and noted how the perpetrators murdered and maimed calmly. 
There was also material about US drones killing civilians, and about the plight of those still imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay.
You don't say. In that case, so much for that Tamerlan Breivik theory.

You'd think that the Beeb, of all news outlets, would know that, back in the day (and, for that matter, even today), lots of Muslims were gaga for Jew-hater/mass-killer Hitler, and vice versa. Does being simpatico with Hitler make Tamerlan a "right-winger"? Well, only if you live on the planet Stupid and can't see that evincing a fondness for the tyrant who unleashed the Final Solution might inspire and even add fuel to an individual intent on waging jihad.

1 comment:

Carlos Perera said...

_Of course_ the BBC reporters know better . . . but they also know better than to report facts straight, because then the public might get "politically incorrect" ideas about who is and who isn't a threat to Western societies. You can't undermine the narrative! (Or, next thing you know, people will think that Sarah Palin is an able, intelligent, energetic, personally admirable leader . . . why she might not even be a cryto-Nazi racist anti-Semite!)