Monday, September 9, 2013

Arguably Obama's Most Tone Deaf, Bone-Headed Decision EVER?

I hereby nominate this one: sending Susan "IT WUZ A RACIST YOUTUBE MO VIDEO!" Rice to Congress to make the case for bombing Syria on the anniversary of the Benghazi debacle.

Anyone who still esteems Obama's judgment and who thinks he knows what he's doing vis-à-vis Syria (or, well, anything) need only look to this for evidence that the man hasn't the faintest clue.

Update: The Rice assignment has had an oddly positive effect on Roger L. Simon:
Okay. I’m an idiot. What was I thinking? I apologize. 
Any administration that could have the temerity to send the nauseating serial Benghazi prevaricator Susan Rice, on the anniversary of that event yet, to explain to Congress why our representatives should approve a strike on Syria not only should NOT get the aforesaid approval, they should be forbidden approval for anything more significant than the choice of wallpaper in the White House rest rooms — and even that I’m not so sure.
In earlier columns, I supported an attack on Syria because I abhor Bashar Assad and his (or his minions’) use of chemical weapons and because I have even less regard for his mentors, the Iranian mullahs. I wanted to discourage them both.
Well, naturally. Who wouldn’t?
But in my overweening contempt I overlooked — or more exactly chose to ignore — the obvious. We would be going to war with a blind man as our commander-in-chief. And I don’t mean a physically blind man like the Japanese samurai Zatoichi, whose heroic exploits were magnificent despite his infirmity, if you remember the film series. I mean a morally, psychologically and ideologically blind man incapable of coherent policy, action or even much logical thought on any matter of significance, let alone on such a crucial one with life and death at stake. 
Glad to have you back in the fold, Rog.

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