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The newly-opened Osama bin Laden school: looks like what you might call a "fixer-upper." |
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The newly-opened Osama bin Laden school: looks like what you might call a "fixer-upper." |
So Satan marries a Jewish woman in Iraq. She lays an egg, which hatches and pops out a wild-eyed, bearded madman the proud couple names the "ISIS-ling."
Their son becomes known as "Beheader." He lops off heads with a bloody sword, shoots people dead and blows up everything in his path with homemade bombs. For exercise, he lifts barbells made of human skulls.
This is Iraq under a future Islamic state, as imagined in "State of Superstition," a hit comedy on state-run Al Iraqiya TV. The half-hour show turns a deadly serious subject — the reign of terror imposed by the extremist group Islamic State in parts of Iraq and Syria — into fodder for spoof and satire.Laugh? I thought I'd die.
And, yes, there's the promiscuous Jewish woman wearing an oversized Star of David necklace who couples with the Satan character dressed in a red suit, complete with pitchfork. The Jewish character could be interpreted as satirizing widespread anti-Semitism in the Arab world. But her portrayal may also reflect widely held prejudices in a country where people spread conspiracy theories that Israel, with U.S. help, secretly created and funded Islamic State in a plot to destroy Iraq.Or it could reflect the raw Jew-hate that suffuses the Koran, the kind that's been internalized by ISIS and ISIS-spoofers alike.
Now they have called Israel’s prime minister a “chickensh*t,” a “coward” and who knows what else, using adjectives for Benjamin Netanyahu they don’t employ with Kim Jung-un, Vladimir Putin, Hassan Nasrallah, Bashar Assad or even the murderous Islamic State’s al-Baghdadi, not to mention — and this is probably crucial — the potentially most homicidal of all, Ayatollah Khamenei of the Islamic State of Iran. (One of the more sinister aspects of Jeff Goldberg’s article that generated this controversy was that one of his leakers bragged they had scared cowardly Netanyahu into not attacking Iran’s nuclear installations, as if this were a good thing, the implication being that the administration can now look good for making an Iran deal — that would ultimately give the mullahs the bomb.) It’s as if Netanyahu, not the aforementioned maniacs, were the administration’s worst enemy.
Meanwhile, the attempts to make nice to the Israelis over the vicious personal slurs from the article, which apparently came from two high and thus far unpunished administration officials, have been perfunctory, so perfunctory that you know they are not meant to be taken seriously, quite the contrary. In fact, an attempted terrorist assassination of a prominent American-Israeli in Jerusalem yesterday that caused the Israeli government to put the Temple Mount on lockdown has already generated more chastisement of the Israelis from our secretary of State. All this against an unprecedented, at least since World War II, rise in global anti-Semitism.
The administration claims to be making these “constructive” criticisms for Israel’s sake, but the Jewish state has better allies in Egypt and Saudi Arabia than they do in an Obama administration that seems to prefer Islamofascist Qatar — those same oil sheiks that bankroll Hamas, the terror organization whose charter exhorts all Muslims to kill every Jew hiding behind a tree anywhere in the world.
And you wonder why I feel like I’m living in Berlin in 1937.
Well, I do.It's rather how I felt several years ago when I and two of my blogging buddies were the only pro-Israel infidels around during the Ayatollah's annual Zionhass-a-palooza at Queen's Park. Every time the mob chanted "Allahu Akbar" it may as well have been shouting "Sieg heil!" And that was happening in the country that has the most pro-Israel government in the world.
Contrary to popular belief, Q isn't attracting a younger audience to public radio, at least not in the U.S. ...more than half of Q's audience on Public Radio International is older than 55, a figure that's comparable with public radio audiences in general.That said, in light of the latest revelations, I think Ghomeshi's P.R. strategy--claim it was all consensual and nothing more than good dirty fun--is all wrong. If he still wants to have a career, he should admit he has some issues (engendered his own feelings of worthlessness and because he was treated like an outsider during his teenage years because he was born in Iran; you can read about it here) and check himself into a rehab program for sexual addiction and anger management. Some time after that, sufficiently contrite (or at least pretending to be), he can come back and pick up where he left off.
Two of the women who allege they were physically assaulted also say that before the alleged assaults in his home he introduced them to Big Ears Teddy, a stuffed bear, and he turned the bear around just before he slapped or choked them, saying that “Big Ears Teddy shouldn’t see this.”If these chicks had had their wits about them--which, under the circumstances, may be too much to expect--they should have retorted, "If Big Ears Teddy can't see it, then I'm outta here."
At times, my fellow Canadians alarm me.
When three anonymous women allegedly have kinky sex with radio celebrity Jian Ghomeshi and are allegedly physically and/or verbally assaulted by him, the country goes into a tizzy.
However, when three anonymous Toronto girls are recruited by Islamic State to marry ISIS fighters overseas who are warring against Canada, and are subsequently rescued by our security agencies and released back into the community, Canada yawns.
While Canadians were distracted by the Ghomeshi affair, the Senate Security Committee heard from RCMP and CSIS officials about the threats we face at the hands of homegrown jihadists.Unless Big Ears Teddy is into jihad, I think the stuffie and his owner are a prurient sideshow at best (or at worst).
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Jewish Democrats and Obama factotums have chickenshit for brains |
Liberals cannot understand so much hate against us. So liberals sympathize. Liberals help find the answer. They join in. To justify the hate.
By hating ourselves.One more reason: they're narcissists who have to be seen to be sympathizing with the "less fortunate" so that everyone will view them as paragons of virtue, an amalgam of, say, Mother Theresa, Gandhi and the Dalai Lama (or maybe Oprah and Deepak Chopra).
To its practitioners, BDSM “heavy play” — consensual couples choking each other, verbally abusing one another and even striking each other — is not considered abusive, hateful or even anti-feminist when done correctly.Being completely averse to pain (I can't even bear to get my legs waxed) there's no way I could ever get into the head space of someone who, er, wanted such things done to them "correctly." But, hey, if that's what you're into, might I suggest you head to Costco for giant-sized versions of products to deal with all your post-"heavy play" needs--bandages, disinfectant, Polysporin, heavy-duty makeup to hide contusions, etc.
“Breathplay” involves covering up the mouth and nose, but due to the risk of brain damage or heart attack if done incorrectly, it is not done without detailed pre-planning and safeguards.Good to know. I think Coldplay, while admittedly a lot less exciting, is a much safer option:
Whoever had a hand in trying to bring Martin Rouleau towards Islam forgot to inform him of the true Islamic teachings. What Mr. Rouleau did was something that I unequivocally condemn, and so do the rest of the Muslims in Canada. Islam is a religion of peace, tolerance, and education. Mr. Martin’s actions did not reflect Islam in any way, shape or form. In reality, Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent was closer to Islam then any member or promoter of ISIS could ever hope to be.
The crimes in Ottawa committed by Michael Zehaf-Bibeau were also unacceptable in the eyes of Islam. Corporal Nathan Cirillo was an innocent man, and killing the innocent is contrary to basic human decency. I just hope and pray that all efforts made towards condemning ISIS and all other terrorist organizations succeed. ISIS must give us back our faith.My response:
I applaud letter-writer Abdullah Ahmad for his unequivocal condemnation of killers Martin Rouleau and Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, and I have little doubt that had the two converts learned a version of Islam that was full of "peace, tolerance and education," they and their victims would still be alive. Alas, the Islam that appealed to them was the sort that commands the faithful to wage war on infidels until such time as Islam is triumphant. Which is to say the Islam that's articulated in the many verses of violence that one can find without too much difficulty in any copy of the Koran.It is thus more than a little disingenuous of Mr. Ahmad to insist that these converts' understanding of their newfound faith "did not reflect Islam in any way, shape or form." In fact, that idea, well-intended though it may be, is a big part of the problem: If "moderate" Muslims are unwilling to cop to the violence written into their holy texts, and repudiate that unequivocally, how can they ever hope to persuade the disgruntled and the lost to shun the siren call of jihad?
In other words, it's a DIY undertaking, and will pose quite a challenge given that Islam is said to be perfect as is, verses of violence and all.As for Mr. Ahmad's cri de coeur that "ISIS must give us back our faith," it is clear ISIS will never do any such thing. If Muslims do indeed want their faith back, they are going to have to put forth the effort and take it back themselves.
One of the striking aspects of the history of terrorism, as I noted in my book Invisible Armies, is that radical groups tend to follow intellectual fads. Some of the first modern terrorists were motivated to hurl bombs in the 19th century because of their allegiance to Nihilism or anarchism. Those ideas were edged into irrelevance by the rise of Communism as the dominant ideology of the revolutionary set. In the 1960s-70s another wave of terrorists were motivated by admiration for the likes of Ho Chi Minh and Mao Zedong. These were the “radical chic” revolutionaries such as the Baader-Meinhof Gang, the Red Army Faction, the Weather Underground, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Their decline by the 1980s can be traced to the general loss of appeal of Communism. With the fall of the Berlin Wall, it was not easy anymore to find anyone willing to fight and die for proletarian ideals.
But by then another new ideology–Islamism–was already on the rise, offering the appeal of earthly paradise for troubled and disgruntled individuals eager to rebel against their society. Like these previous “isms,” Islamism offers the possibility of a meaningful and even heroic existence to young men otherwise doomed to live out their lives as nonentities. So potent is the appeal of this radical ideology that it even has some appeal to non-Muslims who convert simply so they can become terrorists or at least fellow travelers of terrorists. Oddly enough one of these converts is Carlos the Jackal, the Venezuelan Marxist revolutionary who once committed terrorism in the name of Palestine and then converted to Islam while sitting in a French prison.
History suggests that the appeal of Islamist ideology for adventurers and malcontents will only dim once it is definitively exposed to be as bankrupt a governing philosophy as anarchism or Communism. Unfortunately that will not happen anytime in the near future...
Besides projecting onto Canada the post-9/11 American question, “Why do they hate us?” Greenwald tried to assert that the attacks surprised Canadians because Canadians have been unaware of Canada’s participation in what used to be called the “war on terror.” This assertion is not credible.
Public opinion polls over the last decade have shown Canadians to be skeptical about the possibility of victory, for example, over the Taliban, yet they also showed us to be proud of our soldiers’ valour. But even skepticism about victory signifies awareness of the fight.
Perhaps the worst myth Greenwald continued to propagate was the American myth that terrorist violence in our midst is the result of our own misdeeds. It is easy to see why anyone would wish to believe this. If we blame ourselves, we gain the illusion of control: if we change, then circumstances will change.
Self-blame also matches the Canadian national character, one that is perhaps more open to self-criticism than any other, and seeks to give others the benefit of the doubt. After all, we apologize when someone else steps on our feet in a public place.
But in fact, some Muslims have been killing infidels and other Muslims for religious and political reasons long before Western interference, indeed since the dispute over the succession to Muhammad, which is at the origin of the Sunni/Shiite divide.
A pro-Israel stall featuring photos and examples of Israeli life and culture has raised an uproar at the International Islamic University of Islamabad, the local The News Tribe website reported Sunday.
A banner declaring “WELCOME TO THE LAND OF PEACE AND PROSPERITY,” over photos of Israeli sites, including the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem’s Temple Mount compound, was set up along with a table in a hall situated in the city’s Faisal Mosque, according to the site.
The display was apparently part of a standard “Model UN Debate,” event, organized by the women’s department of “The Faculty of Management Sciences.”
The table was apparently one of several featuring several nations. It is unclear if Palestinian supporters also had a table at the display.
The legal adviser of the University confirmed the presence of stall, but said it was arranged without permission...
In addition to Americans, Europeans, and Australians, the Islamic State lists the “infidels” of Canada among its enemy “tyrants.” [NYC hatchet man Zale] Thompson’s “lone wolf” jihad followed hard upon two separate “lone wolf” attacks in Canada this week. First, Martin Couture-Rouleau plowed a car into two soldiers, killing Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent. Then, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau shot Corporal Nathan Cirillo to death at the National War Memorial in Ottawa before spraying bullets inside Parliament (but fortunately killing no one else). Each “lone wolf” was killed in the aftermath, and each was reportedly a “recent convert to Islam.”
These latest atrocities follow last month’s decapitation of a woman at an Oklahoma food-distribution center by Alton Nolen, another “recent convert to Islam” whose Facebook page was a shrine to Osama bin Laden and the Islamic State. At the time, Breitbart’s Ben Shapiro noted that the Oklahoma attack was the latest of seven in the last few years by Muslim men acting alone. The count rises to eight if one accepts the Obama administration’s “workplace violence” rendition of the Fort Hood massacre, to wit: jihadist Nidal Hassan was a “lone wolf” — and therefore somehow not a terrorist — despite both his motive to prevent the U.S. soldiers he killed from fighting Taliban terrorists and his string of pre-massacre consultations with al-Qaeda recruiter Anwar al-Awlaki (the imam who had ministered to the wolf-pack known as the 9/11 suicide-hijackers). At any rate, there are now so many “lone” jihadists we should probably start saying “clone wolf” instead.Nah. Let's just call 'em jihadis and be done with it.
TDSB Ward 10 trustee candidate Ausma Malik appears to be the target of an anonymous co-ordinated attack. In addition to being heckled at a candidates’ debate, her campaign office says that thousands of flyers were distributed throughout the ward this week which, among other things, accuse Malik of being a supporter of the Toronto 18 terrorist cell and a proponent of Sharia law. One flyer even has a photo of Malik superimposed over a yellow and green Hezbollah flag.
Re the accusations being mean-spirited and unfounded, I would direct your attention to this Sept. 27th article by Sue-Ann Levy“The accusations are incredibly mean-spirited and they’re lies,” Malik says. “I’m doing this because I believe in public education, I believe in our community, and I believe that an inclusive, equitable and progressive public education system is possible — and especially in light of this, absolutely necessary.”
"It was the afternoon of my eighty-first birthday, and I was in bed with my catamite when Ali announced that the archbishop had come to see me."I have reread that book at least five times over the years, and it has given me immense pleasure each time. Rather than contemplate Obama's treachery/betrayal--which makes me want to vomit--I think I'll take the Burgess down from the book shelf (I know exactly where to find it) and give it another read.
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Obama's treachery/betrayal will give the Grandiose Ayatollah all the earthly powers he has even dreamed of. |
Last month, an ISIS spokesperson issued a rambling 42-minute speech calling for attacks wherever, whenever, if adherents of the group could not travel abroad: “If you can kill a disbelieving American or European — especially the spiteful and filthy French — or an Australian, or a Canadian . . . kill him in any manner or way however it may be,” he said.
They had jihad stuff on their Facebook pages. They killed Canadian soldiers not long after ISIS issued its marching order for jihadis stuck in infidel lands. They were hoping to run off to Syria to join the jihad but were thwarted when authorities denied them a passport.There is no evidence to show the attacks this week were inspired by these words, but both men were hoping to go to Syria, and frustrated by their difficulty in travelling.
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau was right when he said these attacks [on Canadian soldiers this past week] were criminal acts, not religious ones. The trouble is that both the killers and the [jihad] fanboys believed otherwise.The killers and the fanboys are right. Justin and Margaret are wrong.
In his new autobiography, Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau takes pain to distance himself from his father. He really didn’t have to do this, though – it’s always been obvious that he is everything Trudeau Père was not.
Mr. Trudeau is warm and nice and fuzzy. He doesn’t have an intellectual bone in his body. He’s somewhere between flower power and New Age. He’s often at a loss for words.
When he lets loose, he says things like the situation in Ukraine is “even more worrying now that Russia lost at hockey.” Or he professes his admiration for China because “their basic dictatorship is allowing them to turn their economy around on a dime.” Or he cracks juvenile jokes about those “whipping out our CF-18s to show how big they are” – as Canada considered whether to join the military coalition in Iraq.
Mr. Trudeau was practically absent from that discussion himself, although it was arguably the country’s most important debate of the year. He subcontracted the job of explaining the Liberal position to MP Marc Garneau, while Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Official Opposition Leader Thomas Mulcair of the New Democrats were at the forefront, making strong and rational arguments.
Is Mr. Trudeau a born leader? Certainly not. If he became prime minister, could he grow in the function of leader? Unfortunately, leadership is something he doesn’t much value. “I am a teacher,” he told The Globe and Mail recently. “I believe in sort of sharing in a discussion and coming out with insights on both sides.”How well do you think his ideas about "sharing" and "coming out with insights" would work with the like of Putin and the Grandiose Ayatollah? About as well as that unfortunate encounter between Bambi and Godzilla, I'd say.
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Justin gets his authoritarian streak from Dad... |
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...and his flower power bent from Mom. |
Justin Trudeau has faced considerable criticism that his position on the Islamic State is riskily pacifistic. He could have used the moment to reset and tack a line closer to that of the government when it comes to combatting any possible terror risk. In choosing not to do that, he showed mettle, a commitment to his world view, whether you agree with it or not.You mean to say that in the face of a jihadi attacking Parliament Hill and the murder of two Canadian soldiers in the space of three days Justin chose to stick to his jihad-denial default setting?
Much has been made about the unimaginably incompetent and incoherent management of Foggy Bottom’s communications under spokeswomen Marie Harf and Jen Psaki. But it’s too easy–and not totally accurate–to dismiss Harf and Psaki as misplaced campaign attack hacks. They are out of place at State, but they are there for a reason. And the culture of the diplomatic corps more broadly also resembles the same spiteful ignorance routinely displayed by the president and his secretary of state. The latest example is the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem’s memo to employees referring to Wednesday’s terror attack, in which a Palestinian murdered a Jewish baby, as a “traffic incident.”
A group called Islamic State says kill infidels in the name of Islam, to please Allah. Another group says there is no connection between Islam and terror and this week we have two Canadian soldiers dead at the hands of people who carried out their attacks in the name of Allah.
So what to believe? Do you believe the people, including some of our politicians, who say there is no connection between these crimes, this violence and Islam, or do you believe the guys who run over soldiers or shoot them down and say they did it for their religion?It's the difference between describing jihad as jihad and calling it "workplace place violence" or some other mealy-mouthed euphemism.
An Czech woman has been posthumously honoured for gaining revenge on Nazis by sleeping with soldiers to infect them with sexually transmitted diseases.
After a campaign by retired lawyer Karel Friml, who lives in the woman's former home, she has been commemorated with honorary plaque which was placed on the outside of her house.
The memorial is dedicated to a "Trebon girl who had a special form of resistance against the German occupiers, and paid with her life."
Nazi soldiers raped the unnamed nurse after invading the central Czech town of Trebon in 1938, infecting her with an STI, but she retaliated after being ordered to care for injured German soldiers.
The Gestapo eventually found out what the woman was doing and executed her, but not before the town, which initially branded her a "whore", had acknowledged her bravery.
Mr Friml, 79, called her "a hero", saying that he was "really sorry that she died anonymously".
He went on to say: "This was her resistance and vengeance for the rape of her country and her personal rape. She had many German lovers, maybe six, maybe ten, maybe more. People say that all disappeared after the affair with her."
However, Trebon Museum curator and author Jirina Psikova said that opinion was still divided among townspeople. She said: "Some say she was a slut… others say she was a real patriot."
Speaking of mental illness, in the wake of the Ottawa shootings, the police chiefs of Toronto and Ottawa wrote to local Muslim leaders, assuring them of their good will and urging Muslims to contact them in case of a “backlash.” These politically correct police chiefs seem to have imbibed the lesson well: after every jihad attack, Muslims are the victims, and need special reassurances. Of course, there should be no “backlash” against any innocent people and almost certainly won’t be, but this endless pandering is grotesque. Who is reassuring non-Muslims about keeping them safe from jihad attacks? Who is calling upon Muslim leaders in Canada or anywhere else to back up their condemnations of jihad terror with real action against it, including programs to teach young Muslims to reject that understanding of Islam?You can hardly blame Muslim leaders for their backlashophobia when the cops suffer from an even worse case of the baseless fear.
Brynen said intercultural dialogue is key to fighting radicalization because groups that feel included and valued are more likely to report deviant behaviour to the authorities.
“Multiculturalism has been very, very helpful in reducing the risk of terrorism,” he said.Thing is, it has also helped stoke it by engendering ghettoized communities from problematic places (like, say, Pakistan and Iran). Not that the professor seems terribly worried about any of that:
He added that while radicalization is cause for concern, the issue should not be overblown, noting that the risks of being run over for jaywalking or being hit by lightening are far greater than the likelihood of being a victim of homegrown terrorism.True enough, but as yesterday's events in Ottawa show, one lone jihadi can tie up and terrorize an entire city--one that, by, no co-incidence, happens to be Canada's capital. But for the lightening-quick reflexes and judgment of Kevin Vickers, Parliament's Sergeant-at-Arms, the "issue" would have been far from overblown. It would have quickly escalated into a bloodbath on an epic scale.
Please get a grip, folks. This is not "war." It's one Islamist-inspired lunatic killing one guy and then getting killed in a famous buildingOnly one Islamist. Whose Dad is off waging jihad in Libya. Who killed a Canadian soldier standing on guard at Canada's National War Memorial (two days after another Canadian soldier was killed and another injured by a jihadi). Who then could have unleashed a bloodbath on Canadian lawmakers in Canada's seat of government.
GENEVA – A leading Swiss supermarket chain is apologizing for what it calls an "unforgivable blunder": distributing mini-containers of coffee cream bearing portraits of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.
Migros, which also sells electronics and household goods, says it is immediately withdrawing boxes containing hundreds of the coffee cream containers and is breaking all ties with Karo-Versand, the small Swiss company that designed the collectible series of 55 different motifs — including likenesses of the German and Italian fascist dictators.
In a statement Wednesday, Migros described the incident as an internal failure and vowed to "tighten our controls for these products drastically" to ensure no more such mistakes.
It says Migros subsidiary Elsa-Mifroma never should have delivered the boxes with the items to restaurants and cafes.No kidding.
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Hitler on Migros coffee cream containers? Oopsy! |
Zehaf-Bibeau grew up in Ottawa and Montreal, and had spent time in Libya before moving to Western Canada to become a miner and laborer, said [his friend, Dave] Bathurst, who met the gunman in a Vancouver-area mosque about three years ago.
Bathurst said Zehaf-Bibeau told him six weeks ago at a British Columbia mosque that he wanted to go to Libya to study Islam and Arabic. But reports from Canada say Zehaf-Bibeau was blocked from traveling by government officials who have been monitoring extremists to prevent them from joining the Islamic State.
Had Zehaf-Bibeau taken his apparent jihad plans abroad, he would have been following in the footsteps of his father, believed to be Belgasem Zahef, who was quoted by the Washington Times in 2011, speaking from the Libya, where he had travelled to join the rebellion against Col. Moammar Qaddafi.The "rebellion": That would be the one conducted by the jihadis.
The irony of that marriage is obvious. And its product is the story of the death of the West.Update: Blogger Sweetness & Light speculates that Belgasem could have been one of the jihadis who attacked the American consulate in Benghazi.
Meanwhile, a Seattle man, Ali Muhammad Brown, repeatedly invoked his Muslim faith while being interrogated by detectives in connection with four murders from Washington to New Jersey. Each victim was shot repeatedly.
"My life is based on living in the cause of Allah," Brown said. "Living in the cause of Allah. To live for Allah, to die for Allah."
While some details of that interrogation have been described in court papers, the Investigative Project on Terrorism obtained a copy of the full one hour and 44 minute conversation.
Brown expressed disdain for gay people – two of his victims are believed to have been gay – describing homosexuality as "completely against nature" but stating the government allows "this evil to fester."
He repeatedly invoked the idea that an Islamic Caliphate, or Islamic rule, is the only way to restore order to American society. Brown also is suspected in armed robberies in New Jersey. He told detectives he thought about leaving America to "go to the land where God the almighty, Allah, is established and implemented."
Muslims, Brown said, cannot practice their religion in America, "because jihad is a part of our religion."
But Islamic law, governed by a Caliphate, can cure America of its social ills, he said, citing brutal punishment for those caught breaking the law. Prison doesn't work. In Islam, however, "you cut the hand in public for everyone to see. You alleviate all your thieves right there ... You behead someone right there in public, in the streets? You alleviate all the problems like that."Hey, if you want to, ahem, alleviate problems, you gotta shed a little--or quite a lot of--blood, right?
More recently, the Islamic Social Services Association, in conjunction with the NCCM, launched the handbook United Against Terrorism which is designed to give communities information and tools to counter radicalization towards violent extremism and build civic engagement.As if anything in that document, which itself incorporates a radical perspective and engages in egregious jihad-denial, can help prevent incidents of jihad from erupting here in Canada.