Friday, December 11, 2009

British Apartheid

Because they're so flaming virtuous (and not because they have a problem with Juden or because they want to suck up to Muslims) the Brits are insisting that products made in Israel must bear a yellow star.

Just kidding. Sort of, but not really:
Britain has advised UK supermarkets selling goods from the West Bank to state explicitly on the labels whether the content has come from Israeli settlement or Palestinian-owned farms.

The recommendation, issued by the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), is not a legal requirement but Israeli officials and settler leaders have reacted angrily to the decision, saying it will lead to a boycott of their goods.

Until now, food has been labelled "Produce of the West Bank", but Defra's voluntary guidance says labels should give more precise information, like "Palestinian produce" or "Israeli settlement produce".

The Guardian, a British newspaper, said that 27 Israeli companies working in settlements and exporting to Britain had been identified, with stores selling such produce including Waitrose, Tesco, Sainsbury, Somerfield, John Lewis and B&Q.

Well, that's one way to make British supermarkets Judenrein.

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