Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Copenhagen Song

Ice caps melting in a northern clime.
Polar bears cling to the floes.
Dire warnings being flung by the choir
And folks see skeptics as their foes.
Everybody knows the UN and the climate "gods"
Help to save our warming orb.
Ban-Ki Moon with his eyes all aglow
Spews simple facts we soon absorb.
He knows salvation's on the way.
Consists of lots and lots of rules we must obey.
And every skeptic thinks it's such a joke
To see the eco-freaks 'n' geeks keep blowin' smoke.
And so I'm offering this wake up cry
To those who say the world will end.
Although "climate rules" come around once again
They're to-ta-lly,
(Best to dally),
They're totalitarian.

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