Thursday, December 3, 2009

In the Grand (and Clueless) Tradition of Condeming Danish Motoons for Being "Inexcusably Provocative"...

The Canadian Jewish Congress has condemed Switzerland for banning minarets. 

That's what comes of imbibing too much multi-culti-flavoured Kool-Aid--it leads to the delusion that "victim groups" of a feather must flock together. (One for all and all for one, eh "D'Artagnan" Farber?) Thing is, you can bet that the oceans of empathy are flowing in one direction--and that more than a few Islamists are laughing their heads off at these mush-brained fools.


Jim R said...

So this is how that term "Useful Fools" came about?


winnifred martin said...

Useful fools would seem to then include, the ADL, the European Union of Jewish Students, the European jewish Congress, the European Board of Rabbis, the American jewish Committee, the Vatican....oh yes then in supoort of the swiss, um mmmmm, oh yes Scaramouche, Jim R and possibly a few others who have no countenance for religious liberty.

I think I will stand with the Jews on this one

scaramouche said...

I belive the official term is "useful idiots," but I think "dhimmis" would do in a pinch.

scaramouche said...

What Barb said:

scaramouche said...

Did somebody mention the ADL?

scaramouche said...

Did somebody mention the ADL?

scaramouche said...

What does Nonie Darwish know about minarets that the "august" company cited doesn't?