Sunday, December 6, 2009

Little Barack's Humungous Request

I want a global climate deal for Christmas,
A really comprehensive one for me.
No half-way move, no rinky-dink affair.
I want the kind that soaks the rich
‘Cause change is in the air.

I want a global climate deal for Christmas.
I don’t think Climategate should count, do you?
Can't wait to save the Earth from all that heat.
The UN's got a formula that simply can't be beat.

Can’t you see me now in Copenhagen
Rolling up my sleeves.
Oh what joy and what a coup
When folks see what I can do--
I'll show what hopeychangers can achieve!

I want a global climate deal for Christmas.
Only a humungous one will do.
Don’t cotton to U.S. exceptionalism.
I only like that internationalism.
And internationalists like me, too.

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