Update: It was only last year that Zion-loather Zafar uttered this hate speech--a blatant threat aimed at local Jewry:
During the Jan 26 lecture [at McMaster University in Hamilton], titled “Iran in the Crosshairs,” Bangash, president of the Islamic Society of York Region, who is known for advocating Iranian-style theocracy, warned the crowd of the consequences of going to war with a heavily armed Iran.
A video of the lecture was uploaded by a website called shiatv.net and in it, Bangash is recorded saying, “If there were an attack on Iran, and obviously the fact that Israel would be involved in it, [the] U.S. would be involved in it, it is quite possible that, you know, members of the Jewish community might be targeted… We will not want that to happen at all, but you cannot control the emotions of the people.”...Wanna bet Little Ricky of the York Region "Diversity" squad never knocked on Zafar's mosque and had words with him over that? And how safe do you feel knowing that it's the Little Rickys, cops who've received "diversity" indoctrination, who you have to count on should hyper-emotional people become uncontrollable and want to kill Jews?
To recap: in York Region, it's perfectly okay for a local imam who threatens Jews with a pogrom to host a man who supports Hamas. However, due to a complaint by an unnamed Muslim (was that you, Zafar?), a York Region rabbi is not allowed to host Pamela Geller.
What was it Voltaire, that old Jew-hater, once said? Oh, yeah:

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