Sunday, September 15, 2013

"Impure Things" According to the Ayatollah Khomeini

Yes, that's the real heading. Just so's you know, the following made the cut:
(i) Urine (ii)  Faeces (iii) Semen (iv) Dead body (v) Blood (vi) Dog (vii) Pig (viii) Infidel (ix) Wine (x) Barley wine (Beer).
Re viii, FYI:
107. An infidel i.e. a person who denies Allah or the Day of judgement, or associates anyone else with Allah, is impure. Similarly Ghulat (i.e. those who believe one of the holy twelve Imams to be God or say that God has penetrated into him) and khawarij and Nawasib (i.e. those who are enemies of the holy Imams) are also impure. And similar is the case with one who denies Prophethood or one of the necessities of religion i,e. a thing like prayers, and fasting, which are considered by the Muslims to be a part of the religion of Islam when he knows at thing is a necessity of religion.   As regards the people of the Book (i.e. the Jews and the Christians) who do not accept the Prophethood of the last of the Prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah (Peace be upon him and his progeny), they, too, are impure according to well-known narrations and this remark is as a precautionary measure. Hence, it is necessary to avoid them also.
108. The entire body of an infidel and even his hair and nails and all liquid substances of his body are impure.
109. If the mother, father, paternal grandmother and paternal grandfather of a minor child are all infidels that child is also impure, except that he should be conscious of professing Islam. In case, however, even one person out of his parents or grandparents is a Muslim the child is pure.
110. A person about whom it is not known whether he is a Muslim or not is pure. However, he does not enjoy other orders applicable to the Muslims, for example he cannot marry a Muslim woman and should not be buried in the graveyard of the Muslims.
111. Any person, who abuses any of the twelve holy Imams on account of enmity, is impure.
Sounds a lot like those Nuremberg Laws, no?

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