Monday, September 16, 2013

Or Maybe Pigs Will Fly

Margaret Wente writes:
I guess it’s always possible that the Syrian dictator (memorably likened to a “human toothbrush” by Christopher Hitchens) will immediately surrender his stockpiles of chemical weapons (which he has claimed he doesn’t have), welcome UN weapons inspectors with open arms and give armed protection to the squads of experts who will be necessary to decommission and destroy his various caches of nerve gas, who will somehow do their jobs in the midst of a the bloody civil war that has already destroyed half the country. Or maybe the UN can send in peacekeepers to put it under international control. Or maybe the Easter Bunny will intervene.
Or maybe, in light of Hitchens's characterization, it won't be the Easter Bunny, it'll be the Tooth Fairy.

It's a shame for Assad that he hasn't much oil. If Syria had that resource, he might have been able to finagle one of those oil-for-food scams the UN does so well.

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