Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Madness of UNRWA and Its EU Sponsors Exemplified by Winners of Its Photo/Film Contest

Two of the winners come from two different Palestinian refugee camps in Gaza (a Judenrein Palestinian territory wholly run by Palestinians: "Refugees" in your own domain? How does that work exactly?). The other winner lives in a refugee camp near Tripoli, Lebanon. (That camp is populated by Palestinians whose parents or grandparents became refugees following Israel's creation, in 1948. It is Lebanon's--and the Arab world's--shame that these refugees have been held in these camps and have not been absorbed/embraced by their Arab brothers.)


Carlos Perera said...

So true . . . but historical truth matters not a whit to the likes of the judges who chose the winning photos.

scaramouche said...

That there's an UNRWA at all tells you practically everything you need to know about the "refugee" scam.