Saturday, November 16, 2013

"If You Like Your Cake, You Can Keep Your Cake"

Mark Steyn updates a famous line and puts it in the mouth of the imperious POTUS.

Update: "The elitism implicit in progressivism makes deceit mandatory."

Update: Quel shockeroo--Barrie Antoinette's "fix"-by-fiat will likely cause insurance costs to rise.

Update: The Great Prevaricator

Update: Here's the song (a 50s oldie):

Oh, yes, he's the Great Pre'cator.
Pre'cating and prating like mad.
His need is such
He pre'cates too much
And too late you will find you've been had.
Oh-oh yes, he's the Great Pre'cator
Adrift and unmoored and undone.
He promised change
But his change is deranged
And now more has been lost than's been won...

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