As well as being ugly, it makes what, to him, is a most satisfying high-pitched squeal, a sound that to us, his humans, is hideous and unbearable. The only thing that makes it semi-tolerable for brief periods of time is the sheer delight it gives him.
I was thinking that, ugly as it is, Mr. Squeaky in the middle cannot possibly be the ugliest of its kind--and I was right. Here are some candidates that I would put near or at the top of the Ugliest Squeaky Dog Toy list.
1. Weird, Salvador Dali-esque Medusa thingy.

2. Dog in T-shirt with freakishly big head.

3. What pooch wouldn't want to play with a squeaky and crackly black eel?

4. Scary pumpkin head with ropey attachments.

5. Faux-feces squeaky.

6. Mutant sea creature squeaky.

7. Your guess is as good as mine.

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