Monday, January 18, 2010

Google's Preference for Deference

Speaking of Robert Spencer, here's his FrontPage piece re Google's refusal to complete the search request "Islam is" with anything negative--or anything at all. That's vastly different from search requests for "Christianity is," which Google allows to be completed in any number of insulting ways ("Christianity is fake"; "Christianity is bullshit," etc.).

The powers that be at Google claim the whole thing is a glitch (yeah, right). But given its current stance (i.e. groveling and supine or, alternatively, groveling and on its knees), I wouldn't be at all surprised if, in upcoming weeks, this is what turns up for "Islam is":
  • Islam is...raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens.
  • Islam is...fluffy, cuddly baby bunny rabbits--the kind you can't resist.
  • Islam is...outreach.
  • Islam, the grooviest.
  • Islam is...yummy samosas at convivial interfaith gatherings.
  • Islam is...happy, happy, joy, joy.
  • Islam is...the religion of peace, dammit! (And if you dare to disagree, your days are numbered, impudent kafir.)

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