Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

I'm not so big on the icky, sappy sentiment associated with Mother's Day, an artificial construct that at least gives a one day boost to certain economic sectors (the greeting card, flowers and jewelry people, etc.). I'm really big, though, on mothers, and on being a mother. It's by turns confounding, challenging, exhilarating and rewarding. So to my mom (who had--has--five of us, God bless her) and to all you other moms out there a hearty Happy Mom's Day, and here's my favourite Mom song just 4 U:


Carlos Perera said...

Happy Mother's Day, Scaramouche!

scaramouche said...

Thanks, CP.

Julie Culshaw said...

Yikes, that's not U2, it's Paul Simon. You have just revealed how young you are, LOL!

Julie Culshaw said...

I think my comment got lost, but I just wanted to correct you on this. It is not U2, but Paul Simon. This tells me how old you are, or rather how young you are, LOL!