What Makes Bernie Run?
Bernie Farber, interfaithy squish, unsurpassed champion of state censorship and our cuckoo "human rights" apparatus, is off and running. In his post-Ceej incarnation, he seeks to become a playah at Queen's Park. From the Toronto Star:
Enlisting Farber, whose candidacy will be official by month’s end, is perhaps the Liberals’ biggest score.
While he was not available for comment Thursday, associates said he is revved up for a run against Shurman.
“Dalton McGuinty is unabashedly pro-Israel,” said a Farber confidant, noting that, like Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the premier has impeccable credentials on that issue.
Indeed, McGuinty’s visit to Israel last May — where he met with President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as well as Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad — was a diplomatic success.
“The Israel card will not be able to be played in this election,” warned one Liberal, wryly noting how Harper’s Tories successfully wooed away Jewish voters from Michael Ignatieff’s Grits.
In speech last Saturday at Thornhill’s Shaar Shalom Synagogue to commemorate Yom Hashoah, the Holocaust remembrance day, McGuinty praised Farber for “all he’s doing to build a more caring and always vigilant Ontario.”
May I just say this to that: yuck! But do go on, Star scribbler:
The premier also recalled his emotional visit to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust museum, in Jerusalem, where he placed a wreath on behalf of Ontarians at the Hall of Remembrance.
“We live in a place — Ontario, Canada — where we invite everyone from every nation, race, religion and culture to come together, to accept each other, to support each other, and when called upon to do so, to stand up for each other,” McGuinty told the congregation.
“In no small measure, the success we have enjoyed in building our society is because those among us who survived the Holocaust, remembered and chose to believe, despite all they had seen, that love is stronger than hate.”
Makes you feel all warm and tingly, doesn't it? Of course, we can scarf down tasty samosas by the platter and wallow convivially in interaithy "love" and still the 'Slamo-leftist Zionhass grows and spreads like an evil weed. But I digress:
Greg Sorbara, the Liberals’ campaign chair, declined to comment on Farber, saying only that “our goal is to attract strong new candidates to add to an already strong team.”
The Tories’ Shurman, who is also Jewish, said he is “not in the slightest” bit worried by such a high-profile opponent.
“Bernie Farber’s got some problems if he wants to run for the Liberals in Thornhill,” he said...
No kidding. Can't wait for "the big score" to get "Mocked."
1 comment:
“We live in a place — Ontario, Canada — where we invite everyone from every nation, race, religion and culture to come together, to accept each other, to support each other, and when called upon to do so, to stand up for each other,” McGuinty told the congregation. Toronto Star May 5, 2011
Where was Dalton when Nerene Virgin was called a "Tar Baby" by the journalists at Metroland Media in August of 2007? Maybe the quote should have read that, "We will stand together to watch a Black woman get thrown under the Liberal bus... we need the press on our side!"
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