Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Where's the 'Filth'?

In an otherwise insightful interview with the Jewish Tribune's Joanne Hill, the NatPo's Jonathan Kay has some harsh words for line-crossing right-wingers:
In the same way that left-wing activists and bloggers sometimes cross the line between criticism of Israel and antisemitism, Kay said, some of their counterparts on the right should be called out for promoting anti-Muslim conspiracy theories.
“There are bloggers who have become very popular in Canada and say things about Muslims that I find absolutely disgraceful. They talk about [Muslims] the way people used to talk about blacks or Catholics and the way that our opponents talk about Jews. You can’t attack shrill anti-Zionists who veer into antisemitism on one hand and then on the other hand say, ‘Oh, by the way, the Muslims are breeding like rabbits and aren’t they filthy.’ It’s just wrong.... Some things are just beyond the pale. I don’t think these people should be thrown in jail or slapped with Human Rights Commissions sanctions, but they do deserve our criticism.”  
I did a google search for "very popular" Canucki bloggers who have opined that Muslims are "filthy" and are "breeding like rabbits" but couldn't find a single one.

Odd, that.

Could Mr. Kay perhaps be thinking of ex-Canucki blogger Salman Hossain's "filthy" website?

Update: Popular blogger Kathy Shaidle weighs in.

Update: Closet Conservative does, too.

Update: More Shaidle.


Blazingcatfur said...

Perhaps he was thinking of The muslim.ca, must be.

scaramouche said...

Could be.

Paul said...

.. Kay must be referring to the article he published by Conrad Black saying;

[the brave new world of Europe] has collapsed - a process accelerated by Europeans' dyspeptic failure to reproduce, and a culturally suicidal replacement, throughout Europe, of the unborn with often unassimilated Muslim immigrants.


1389 said...

I'm a US citizen but 1389 Blog is a team blog that includes two Canadian team members.

We didn't say that Muslims are filthy, but we did indeed make that comment about their food, and we presented evidence to back it up.

Filthy Halal Food - Since 1999!

Put it this way: If E. coli O157:H7 isn't filthy, then nothing is!