Sunday, April 8, 2012

A Little Taste of the "Arab Spring" in Mississauga

Revolution and spring were in the air at this Egyptian Canadian League event:
...The art gallery exhibition of Ibrahim Shalaby included paintings of the Arabic revolutions and Palestinian traditional images. Sound Vision was there too, introducing new Arabic learning DVDs and books for all ages, Arabic/English dictionaries and Arabic educational resources that are especially designed for kids.
The Baba Gedo team served traditional Egyptian food such as Koshari and Falafel, it was great to see the chefs wearing pharaoh head covers. Arabic and Egyptians desserts were very tasty!
Overall I think this event was wonderful. It was a great way to pull together Egyptians and Arabs and revive spirit of revolution, and of course, a great way for families to get together!
Revolution and tasty desserts: a killer combo!

Update: Here's a photo of Syrian "rebels" from the event (found on the Toronto Muslims Web site):

Notice the "pushka box" on the table for "Human Concern International"? That's a charity affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood (see this post by Point de Bascule).

Update: From the local rag:
...The ECL, a non-profit organization that brings Egyptian Canadians together regardless of personal religion or political affiliation, hosted the event to celebrate what's been accomplished, but also to raise awareness of the hard work ahead to bring proper democracy to Egypt.
"Mubarak is gone, but the military he left behind is till running the country," said Sadek, adding they must cede power sooner rather than later.
The event featured guest speakers, songs and dance, a documentary about the revolution and vendors offering food, clothes, paintings and education.
Amr Kaoud, director of ECL, said it's very, very necessary to connect Egyptian Canadians and give them a place to rally and discuss their home country's future.
"As changes continue in Egypt, we Egyptian Canadians need to have a link to home in order to stabilize democracy there," said Kaoud. "The military still has too much control and influence and we need to change that peacefully."
Mississauga-Streetsville MP Brad Butt joined the celebrations with Mississauga East-Cooksville MP Wladyslaw Lizon and said Canada is carefully watching the situation over in Egypt.
"They're frustrated true democracy isn't moving fast enough, but we have to give it time," said Butt. "They had the same leader for nearly 40 years."...
Dhimmi. Also--it would interesting to look more closely into the ECL to see if it is at least in part a Muslim Brotherhood front.

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