Monday, April 16, 2012's "Vegan Challenge" a Perfect Time to Tuck Into a Nice, Juicy Steak

Actually, I happen to love tofu (the grilled tofu lunch special at Satay on the Road--yum!), and since I don't drive, my carbon footprint is as small as can be, but I'd rather have root canal sans freezing than take part in this:
Join in taking the Vegan Challenge during Earth Week from April 16-22! staff, contributors and users are encouraged to go vegan for a week to help protect the environment, show compassion for animals and enjoy some wholesome nutritious and yummy food!
Going vegan is one of the strongest ways most of us can contribute to Earth Week and make every day Earth Day! Making your "hoofprint" smaller will reduce your ecological footstep by cutting down on your carbon footprint, diminishing pollution of air, water and land, and helping stymie the destruction of ecosystems being swallowed up to produce feed for farm animals...
Oy vey. Give it a rest, virtue-mongers.

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