Sunday, January 5, 2014

Where's Molly Norris?

Truth is, as Anthony Furey notes, the whereabouts of Ms. Norris, a Seattle-based political cartoonist who, for her own safety, was forced into hiding after drawing a 'toon calling for an "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day," are unknown. Even worse, in an apparent case of "out of sight, out of mind," no one seems to care about her fate. Furey is disgusted by the disinterest, and thinks we should be, too:
It’s hard to say what’s a bigger scandal: That a bunch of humourless Islamists still want to kill someone for drawing a little cartoon three years ago? Or that there are so many people out there who won’t even acknowledge the situation?
Shame on everyone who didn’t stand up for Molly Norris.
She should be living freely right now, drawing whatever cartoons suit her fancy.
Fat chance, Mr. Furey, when political correctness dovetails so nicely with what amounts to dhimmitude.

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