Friday, January 10, 2014

"Why Do Leftists Attack the Only Liberal Country in the Middle East?"

Because it isn't perfect? Because they can? Because it makes 'em feel good to care about "the downtrodden" and "the underdog"? Because all their friends are doing it?

It couldn't possibly be because it's Jewish, right?

Update: Charles Krauthammer nails it when he says that the ASA boycott
has nothing to do with human rights. It’s an exercise in radical chic, giving marginalized academics a frisson of pretend anti-colonialism, seasoned with a dose of edgy anti-Semitism. 
And don’t tell me this is merely about Zionism. The ruse is transparent. Israel is the world’s only Jewish state. To apply to the state of the Jews a double standard that you apply to none other, to judge one people in a way you judge no other, to single out that one people for condemnation and isolation — is to engage in a gross act of discrimination.
FYI, Charles, it's called Zionhass--the way Jew-hate is manifested in our time.

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