Wynne also spoke of shifting societal norms. To do this, she says, education about gender inequality, consent and healthy relationships is a keystone, one that dovetails with the new sex-ed curriculum covering Grades 1 to 12 that was unveiled by the Liberal government in February. “Seeding generational change” was crucial, she said, calling on parents and teachers for back-up. The province’s first female premier also recognized that change takes time, noting today that the discussion is an ongoing one at the government level, one that will include continuing consultation and an all-party committee.Got that? The anti-misogyny stuff provides cover for her dubious sex-ed curriculum. You can bet your sweet patoot' that had there been no Ben Levin drama and parental push back re sex-ed, there would have been no need to come up with an "It's Never Okay"--at least not at this precise moment.
Also, from a communications standpoint, "seeding generation change" is a most unfortunate choice of words apropos sex-ed. Although, given the Wynne regime's ambitious indoctrination plans, the sex-ed curriculum may well prove to be--you should pardon the word--seminal.
Also, does anyone really believe that Wynne's spin will do anything to "shift" scenes like this:

Update: E-mails show Levin had ministry's ear days prior to arrest--Joe Warmington's latest on the insidious influence of a formerly high-flying Liberal pedagogue (who was felled by his own pervy inclinations).
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