Sunday, October 11, 2015

"Progressives" In the Toronto Star Stand Up For ICNA Niqab-Wearer, Blast Stephen Harper for Being So Hatey

Behold, the idiocy of the squish-minded, in all their hideous, self-satisfied glory. If their man gets to be our next prime minister, dark days of debt-kiting and Zionhass will suffuse the land.

You heard it first here.

Be careful what you wish for, squishes, because this is
what you'll get...

...not that that "spirit" needs much "reviving" in these parts.
Here, for example, some "spirited" Zion-loathers/Al Quds Day
revelers, wearing their colourful homeland garb (including
a flag of Hezbollah, a jihadi terrorist organization supposedly outlawed
in Canada), gather in a Toronto park to rant and rage about Israel. 

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