Thursday, July 4, 2013

How Is the Muslim Brotherhood Taking Its Ouster From Power in Egypt?

As one might have expected, not so well:
Dr. Murad Ali, Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) Media Spokesman, said: "Immediately after the announcement of the military coup, the generals stopped all TV channels that broadcast activities and events opposed to the coup or voiced pro-Constitution views or pro-Morsi comments, so people do not hear but only one voice, one viewpoint.
"This is the beginning of the era of freedoms! The rest will surely come. Down, down… with military rule!"
A number of Islamist channels, including Masr 25, Al-Nas and Al-Hafez, were forced shut and stopped broadcasting, following the Minister of Defense’s speech which announced the coup against the legitimacy of the elected President of the Republic...
In general, I'm not in favour of military coups, but in this case I might make an exception.

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