Friday, July 5, 2013

Kudos to Canada for Reclaiming Free Speech. Time for Others (Including the U.S.) to Follow Our Lead

Theo Caldwell writes:
Ironically, in this era of mass communication, freedom of speech is hard to come by, and Canada is no exception. Even so, with the abolition of the Canadian Criminal Code’s Section 13, which punished so-called “hate speech,” Canada leads the Western world in reclaiming the right of individual free expression from the ravenous maw of political correctness. 
Such legislation was nowhere near unique to Canada, as charges of “hate speech” are a ubiquitous tool of the worldwide Left, intended to silence opposition while elevating their approved opinions to the level of law. But the fact that Canada has abolished this shameful codification of censorship reveals a tendency toward renewal of liberty that the United States, and other nations, would do well to emulate.
It's also a ubiquitous tool of the worldwide neo-caliphate, which seeks to empower itself by insisting on our silence.

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