I have the lowest of hopes for the vacuous feel-goodism of the "hopeychangey" message. But then, I tend not to fall for demagoguery and the utopian promises that it brings. Alas, there are those who adore the fireworks and tomfoolery of the dopey-changers, of whom non-threatening boy idol Justin Trudeau is one. To me, Justin sounds like an insincere sap summoning up fake outrage and emotion as an acting exercise, as he used to do in his previous life as a part-time High School drama teacher. The sturm und drang is put on for effect, and because it is somehow convincing enough to persuade Harper-hating Canadians that Justin's "change" would be a good thing for them and for Canada's future.
I'm here to tell you that it would not be; that it would drag Canada down a rat hole of cap and trade efforts (which would impede/impair economic growth); Robin Hood-style income redistribution of the sort that engenders entitlement (from those on the receiving end of government largesse) and which may prompt "the makers" to take their business elsewhere; and Canada returning to its pre-Harper default setting of sitting on the fence (what leftist spin calls being "an honest broker) when it comes to Israel, even though the miniscule Jewish state is the sole bright spot in a region that is in a tailspin and which in the past few days has seen the rise of a brand new self-declared caliphate.
So vote for Justin if you must, but know this: the Canada of his creation will be as crappy as--no, even crappier than--the America the dopey-changer to our south has crafted--arrogantly, audaciously, autocratically--in his own image.

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